Help index - Stereo Tool 2.10
Introduction: What is Stereo Tool?
First steps
Getting fast results using presets
Selecting the desired mode (simple, normal, extended)
Stereo Tool sound processors
The singleband compressor/limiter
The multiband compressor/limiter
The stereo image manipulator
Channel delay
The lowpass output filter
The PREAMP and POSTAMP slider
Other settings
CPU usage settings
Startup as tray icon
How-to guides
How to combine the multiband and singleband compressor
Using Stereo Tool with other software
Using multiple DSP plugins (for example Stereo Tool and SHOUTcast)
Stereo Tool and SAM Broadcaster (SAM3)
Stereo Tool 2.x (C) Copyright 2006 by Hans van Zutphen Email: